

Editing Members in Workspaces

Manage the space members by adding or removing users as needed. This ensures the right people have access to work on debugging or collaborating.
  • Use features like search, invitations, or permission controls to adjust members according to requirements.
  • Access control permissions might limit who can edit name and members within a space.
  • Look for a member management section within the space settings.
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How to add Members

  • Access Manage Workspace: Navigate to the "Manage Workspace" section within Disbug. This might be located in your workspace settings or a dedicated panel.
  • Select Workspace (if applicable): If you manage multiple workspaces, ensure you've selected the correct one where you want to add members.
  • Invite Member: Locate the "Invite Member" section. This might be a input field within the workspace management interface.
  • Enter Email Address: In the designated field, enter the email address of the person you want to invite.
  • Assign Role: Select the appropriate role you want to assign to the member. Disbug likely offers different roles with varying permissions within your workspace (e.g., Admin, Reporter, Developer).
  • Send Invitation: Once you've entered the email address, selected a role , click the "Invite" button to send the invitation.
  • Automatic Addition: Users are automatically added as members with the assigned role.
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Workspace Permissions

  • Only admins can add members to workspaces.
  • Workspace members can access all projects within the workspace unless their user role is set to Guest with limited access. To Know more about User Roles.